奔放101 第一季

奔放101 第一季完结

2022-08-12 20:21:27
  The story begins in today Istanbul, when a woman called Işık (Bade İşçil) arrives at an old house.【详细】
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    Bi站达人:奔放101 第一季全集完整版免费资源网址:http://www.xi15.com/vod/92921.html
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    6、《奔放101 第一季》好看吗,看点在哪呀?
    百度知识达人:2020强势上映的奔放101 第一季,作为一部饱受期待的电视剧,总体来说没有让我们失望, 演员、导演都付出非常多的艰辛和努力,细节的话你不妨快速看下你就能懂。

    奔放101 第一季剧情介绍:
      The story begins in today Istanbul, when a woman called Işık (Bade İşçil) arrives at an old house. There she recalls the past and friends of her youth.  Back in 1998, a group of young people (Eda, O求爱an, Sinan and Kerem) studying in a school of Istanbul are at risk of exclusion because of their poor behaviour. They are very different from their clas求爱ates and, therefore, very lonely. A headmaster and most of the teachers are against them, and only one called Burcu (Pınar Deniz) does her best to protect the youngsters. However, they find out that Burcu is getting relocated, and this means that all of them will be excluded after her departure. In order to prevent this, students unite and make a plan: they will make Burcu fall in love so that she stays in Istanbul. According to the law, after marriage she will be able to choose a place of work by herself. They ask for help from Işık, an excellent student and a girl with a big heart. Soon she becomes a part of their company. This union helps the students change for the better, understand themselves, realize the importance of true friendship, find love and their own way in life. At the same time, their plan helps Burcu change her outlook on life and find true love with a new unsociable teacher called Kemal (Kaan Urgancıoğlu).

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